bataille de khe sanh

Les chars PT-76, bien que soumis à un feu nourri, s'emparent des positions des bérets verts. La bataille de Khe Sanh Raged pendant des mois Au cours de la guerre du Vietnam. résultat. La lutte se poursuit 24 heures sur 24. Une nuée d'hélicoptères s'approche comme des oies bruyantes, ce qui vaut rapidement à ces expéditions le sobriquet de Supergaggle (« super troupeau »). Ce qui a bel et bien servi les desseins vietnamiens. Quand le succès de telles actions est avéré, la zone de sécurité autour de la base est réduite à 1 km, et le camp ennemi est survolé en permanence. Du 21 janvier au 8 avril 1968, Khe Sanh est le lieu d'une bataille de la guerre du Viêt Nam qui opposa l'armée américaine à l'Armée populaire vietnamienne et les troupes du Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam (Viêt Cong). [108] The base could also depend on fire support from US Army 175-mm guns located at Camp Carroll, east of Khe Sanh. [31] US intelligence estimated between 1,200 and 1,600 PAVN troops were killed, and 362 members of the US 4th Infantry Division, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, and ARVN Airborne elements were killed in action, but three of the four battalions of the 4th Infantry and the entire 173rd were rendered combat-ineffective during the battle. "[158] Those who agree with Westmoreland reason that no other explanation exists for Hanoi to commit so many forces to the area instead of deploying them for the Tet Offensive. Mais ce même jour, un agent de renseignement vietnamien travaillant pour les Américains prévint la base d'une attaque massive imminente, et les troupes américaines furent retirées et placées en défense, alors que la base passait en état d'alerte maximal. [90], The situation changed radically during the early morning hours of 7 February. The Battle of Khe Sanh (21 January – 9 July 1968) was conducted in the Khe Sanh area of northwestern Quảng Trị Province, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), during the Vietnam War. Le reste de l’année 1962, les troupes de la base furent renforcées. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, then began planning for incursion into Laos, and in October, the construction of an airfield at Khe Sanh was completed. [1] He goes on to state that a further 72 were killed as part Operation Scotland II throughout the remainder of the year, but that these deaths are not included in the official US casualty lists for the Battle of Khe Sanh. The fire of PAVN antiaircraft units took its toll of helicopters that made the attempt. [66] The Marine Direct Air Support Center (DASC), located at KSCB, was responsible for the coordination of air strikes with artillery fire. [118] Casualties from the bombardment were 10 killed and 51 wounded. The adoption of this concept at the end of February was the turning point in the resupply effort. Overnight, they were moved to a temporary position a short distance from the perimeter and from there, some of the Laotians were eventually evacuated, although the majority turned around and walked back down Route 9 toward Laos. [131], Westmoreland's planned relief effort infuriated the Marines, who had not wanted to hold Khe Sanh in the first place and who had been roundly criticized for not defending it well. Once the base came under siege, a series of actions was fought over a period of five months. À cela s'étaient ajoutés environ 290 irréguliers sud-vietnamiens installés depuis longtemps dans le camp de Lang Vei, à quelques centaines de mètres du camp des forces spéciales. On the following night, a massive wave of PAVN/VC attacks swept throughout South Vietnam, everywhere except Khe Sanh. La bataille de Saigon se déroule en 1968 avec de multiples combats dans la métropole économique et capitale de la République du Việt Nam. This caused problems for the Marine command, which possessed its own aviation squadrons that operated under their own close air support doctrine. Images de la base de Khe Sanh où se déroula une bataille militaire de la guerre du Vietnam opposant l'armée américaine à l'armée populaire vietnamienne. Aussitôt ceux-ci arrivés sur zone, ils sont la cible des fusées et des mortiers. [85] Westmoreland was so obsessed with the tactical situation that he threatened to resign if his wishes were not obeyed. [150][151] The gradual withdrawal of US forces began during 1969 and the adoption of Vietnamization meant that, by 1969, "although limited tactical offensives abounded, US military participation in the war would soon be relegated to a defensive stance. The 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment (2/1 Marines) and the 2/3 Marines would launch a ground assault from Ca Lu Combat Base (16 km east of Khe Sanh) and head west on Route 9 while the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Brigades of the 1st Cavalry Division, would air-assault key terrain features along Route 9 to establish fire support bases and cover the Marine advance. As the relief force made progress, the Marines at Khe Sanh moved out from their positions and began patrolling at greater distances from the base. All of the attacks were conducted by regimental-size PAVN/VC units, but unlike most of the previous pusual hit-and-run tactics, they were sustained and bloody affairs. The battalion was assaulted on the night of 23 January by three PAVN battalions supported by seven tanks. [136] The 11th Engineers proclaimed Route 9 open to traffic on 11 April. Les unités de Marines quittent Khe Sanh. Journalist Richard Ehrlich writes that according to the report, "in late January, General Westmoreland had warned that if the situation near the DMZ and at Khe Sanh worsened drastically, nuclear or chemical weapons might have to be used." This range overmatch was used by the PAVN to avoid counter-battery fire. Minor attacks continued before the base was officially closed on 5 July. Les palettes de chargement sont extraites de l'avion par la porte de la soute arrière grâce au déploiement d'un parachute (voir photo). After a ten-day battle, the attackers were pushed back into Cambodia. That proved to be the last overland attempt at resupply for Khe Sanh until the following March. That was superseded by the smaller contingency plans. Le camp de Lang Vei a été créé lorsque les forces spéciales ont rejoint la base de Khe Sanh en 1966. Elle commença le 21 janvier, et dura 77 jours. [82] Westmoreland had given his deputy commander for air operations, Air Force General William W. Momyer, the responsibility for coordinating all air assets during the operation to support KSCB. Westmoreland, however, was already planning ahead. Military History Institute of Vietnam, p. 222. A decision then had to be made by the American high command to commit more of the limited manpower in I Corps to the defense of Khe Sanh or to abandon the base. [123], On 30 March, Bravo Company, 26th Marines, launched an attack toward the location of the ambush that had claimed so many of their comrades on 25 February. Images de la base de Khe Sanh où se déroula une bataille militaire de la guerre du Vietnam opposant l'armée américaine à l'armée populaire vietnamienne. La base américaine de Khe Sanh se trouvait dans le nord du Sud Viêt-Nam, à 100 km de Hué sur la côte, et au commencement de la zone montagneuse. Les jours suivants, les Vietnamiens effectuent des explorations armées jusque dans les lignes de défense des marines, mais la grande attaque attendue ne peut être lancée. Elle permit également de contrôler l'une des grandes vallées qui conduisait du sud-est du Laos jusqu'à la base de Da-Nang, ainsi que de surveiller la zone démilitarisée entre le Nord et le Sud du Viêt Nam. Five days later, the final reinforcements arrived in the form of the 37th ARVN Ranger Battalion, which was deployed more for political than tactical reasons. He subsequently ordered the US military to hold Khe Sanh at all costs. Le camp était défendu par environ 200 bérets verts. [Note 5] This event prompted Cushman to reinforce Lownds with the rest of the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines. The withdrawal of the last Marines under the cover of darkness was hampered by the shelling of a bridge along Route 9, which had to be repaired before the withdrawal could be completed. The Marines claimed 115 PAVN killed, while their own casualties amounted to 10 dead, 100 wounded, and two missing. [125] Also, Marine Lieutenant General Victor Krulak seconded the notion that there was never a serious intention to take the base by arguing that neither the water supply nor the telephone land lines were ever cut by the PAVN. [75], Thus began what was described by John Morocco as "the most concentrated application of aerial firepower in the history of warfare". Background. [122] On the night of 28 February, the combat base unleashed artillery and airstrikes on possible PAVN staging areas and routes of advance. Thème : Bataille de Khe Sanh (1968) Origine : RAMEAU Autres formes du thème : Ðươǹg sô ́ 9 - Khe sanh, Bataille de (1968) Khe Sanh, Bataille de (1968) L'année : 1968 Data 1/3 [149] The Marines occupied Hill 950 overlooking the Khe Sanh plateau from 1966 until September 1969 when control was handed to the Army who used the position as a SOG operations and support base until it was overrun by the PAVN in June 1971. Les marines ont construit beaucoup de positions avancées sur les collines, autour desquelles les Vietnamiens du Nord combattent constamment. A press release prepared on the following day (but never issued), at the height of Tet, showed that he was not about to be distracted. Cushman, the new III MAF commander, supported Westmoreland perhaps because he wanted to mend Army/Marine relations after the departure of Walt. Throughout the battle, Marine artillerymen fired 158,891 mixed rounds. Vérifiez les traductions 'Bataille de Khe Sanh' en Russe. Westmoreland was replaced two months after the end of the battle, and his successor explained the retreat in different ways. [132] The Marines had constantly argued that technically, Khe Sanh had never been under siege, since it had never truly been isolated from resupply or reinforcement. Murphy 2003, pp. Ceux-ci avaient été lancés par avance sur les secteurs supposés et connus d'opérations, et prévenaient le centre de contrôle des mouvements hostiles. Le but de la bataille n'aurait donc pas été de battre l'armée américaine, mais de retenir troupes matériel et moyens, chose que les Vietnamiens ont réussi à faire. Pour ouvrir le chemin aux tanks, des sapeurs les ont précédés afin de pratiquer un passage à travers les fils de fer barbelés installés autour du camp. [120][121], Nevertheless, the same day that the trenches were detected, 25 February, 3rd Platoon from Bravo Company 1st Battalion, 26th Marines was ambushed on a short patrol outside the base's perimeter to test the PAVN strength. En juillet 1962, les premières troupes spéciales des forces américaines commencèrent à construire, non loin de la place de Khe Sanh, ce qui ne devait être initialement qu'un centre de formation pour les combattants, à proximité d'une ancienne plantation coloniale. Le siège de Khe Sanh est une bataille de la guerre du Viêt Nam qui opposa l'armée américaine à l'Armée populaire vietnamienne et les troupes du Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam (Viêt Cong). A limited attack was made by a PAVN company on 1 July, falling on a company from the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, who were holding a position 3 km to the southeast of the base. Le général Westmoreland, commandant du MACV, affirma que Khe Sanh fut un « Dien Bien Phu à l'envers ». Conclue par une victoire américaine, elle n'eut cependant pas de réelle implication stratégique. La vue d'ensemble côté Est: Le côté Nord, défendu par le groupe d'Olivier: Et le côté Sud tenu par mon groupe: Un bien bonne partie, sous les mortiers et l'artillerie Viet. SOG Reconnaissance teams also reported finding tank tracks in the area surrounding Co Roc mountain. To support the Marine base, a massive aerial bombardment campaign (Operation Niagara) was launched by the USAF. Media in category "Battle of Khe Sanh" The following 76 files are in this category, out of 76 total. [102], Lownds estimated that the logistical requirements of KSCB were 60 tons per day in mid-January and rose to 185 tons per day when all five battalions were in place. [17] These figures do not include casualties among Special Forces troops at Lang Vei, aircrews killed or missing in the area, or Marine replacements killed or wounded while entering or exiting the base aboard aircraft. [161] This view was supported by a captured North Vietnamese study of the battle in 1964 that stated that the PAVN would have taken Khe Sanh if it could have done so, but there was a limit to the price that it would pay. One headquarters would allocate and coordinate all air assets, distributing them wherever they were considered most necessary, and then transferring them as the situation required. However, the PAVN committed three regiments to the fighting from the Khe Sanh sector. Bataille de Khe Sanh. Marine Corps aviators had flown 7,098 missions and released 17,015 tons. La base avait été entourée de fils de fer barbelés et d'un champ de mines de 50 mètres de largeur. Au total, les B-52 larguent, au cours de 2 548 sorties, environ 60 000 tonnes de bombes sur la région autour de la base de Khe Sanh. La discussion n'est pas close à ce jour. Elle commença le 21 janvier, et dura 77 jours. Voici quelques photos de notre 6ème partie, à Khe Sanh. succès stratégique nord-vietnamienne. Dans un mois-longue bataille, la base de la Marine à Khe Sanh résista attaques lourdes par les Vietnamiens du Nord avec le soutien de la puissance aérienne américaine. [113] Marine analysis of PAVN artillery fire estimated that the PAVN gunners had fired 10,908 artillery and mortar rounds and rockets into Marine positions during the battle. Corpsman (medic) Vernon Wike with a dying comrade, Battle of Hill 881, near Khe Sanh, April – May, 1967. A secret memorandum reported by US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, sent to US President Lyndon B. Johnson on 19 February 1968, was declassified in 2005. Situation de la base de Khe Sanh dans la province Quang tri, La lutte pour les postes avancés dans les collines, Opération Niagara I (14 Janvier au 21 Janvier 1968), Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam, « President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address », Zones géographiques et pays impliqués dans la guerre du Viêt Nam, Théâtre d'opérations cambodgien pendant la guerre du Viêt Nam, Relations entre les États-Unis et le Viêt Nam,, Bataille de la guerre du Viêt Nam impliquant les États-Unis, Bataille impliquant le Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam, Bataille impliquant la République démocratique du Viêt Nam, Bataille impliquant la République du Viêt Nam, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Relations internationales/Articles liés, Portail:Forces armées des États-Unis/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Victoire tactique américaine, stratégiquement indécise, Forward Operation Base 3, forces spéciales (588), Le siège de Khe Sanh est une carte du jeu, La bataille de Khe Sanh est citée dans les paroles de la chanson, Bien qu'aucun australien n'ait pris part à cette bataille, le groupe de rock, Khe Sanh est mentionné par le président des États-Unis Barack Obama dans son discours inaugural, le 20 janvier 2009; voir. [7] Further fighting followed, resulting in the loss of another 11 Marines and 89 PAVN soldiers, before the Marines finally withdrew from the area on 11 July. American logistical, aerial, and artillery support was provided to the operation. Les canons d'artillerie bombardent les Vietnamiens d'un feu nourri. En réponse à cela, la base de combat de Khe Sanh (KSCB), située sur un plateau dans une vallée du même nom, a été renforcée par des éléments du 26e Régiment de Marines du colonel David E. Lownds. Ce camp était situé à environ 9 kilomètres de la base, proche du Laos. The PAVN would try to ttake Khe Sanh, but if could not, it would occupy the attention of as many American and South Vietnamese forces in I Corps as it could, which would facilitate the Tet Offensive. Les bombardements par l'artillerie nord-vietnamienne durant les deux mois suivants deviennent une habitude pour les marines assiégés. Khe Sanh was one of the most remote outposts in Vietnam, but by January 1968, even President Lyndon Johnson had taken a personal interest in the base. Elle se déroula au début de 1968, durant la fameuse offensive du Tết. La base est équipée d'un radar qui permet une bonne coordination avec les avions, les largages sont précis et ne manquent quasiment jamais la zone de largage. L'opération est très dangereuse, car les Vietnamiens du Nord ont installé plusieurs points de défense aérienne munis de mitrailleuses, qui prennent souvent sous leurs feux les lourds et lents avions d'approvisionnement. The Battle of Ban Houei Sane, not the attack three weeks later at Lang Vei, marked the first time that the PAVN had committed an armored unit to battle. The Vietnam War. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Khe Sanh Combat Base: Une bataille de gagnée, mais une guerre de perdue - consultez 130 avis de voyageurs, 224 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Khe Sanh… Pour la défense directe de la base, il y avait 6 chars M48, 10 lance-roquettes M50, 4 blindés M42 ainsi que plusieurs camions équipés de canons de campagne M2. As a result of this intelligence, KSCB was reinforced on 13 December by the 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment. Vernon Wike, aide-soignant de l’US Navy, auprès d’un camarade blessé, bataille de la colline 881, près de Khe Sanh, avril-mai 1967. Its main objectives were to inflict casualties on US troops and to isolate them in the remote border regions. Deux tanks sont détruits par les canons de 106 mm. By early January, the defenders could count on fire support from 46 artillery pieces of various calibers, five tanks armed with 90-mm guns, and 92 single or Ontos-mounted 106-mm recoilless rifles. Then, on the morning of 6 February, the PAVN fired mortars into the Lang Vei compound, wounding eight Camp Strike Force soldiers. The siege of Khe Sanh was broken by ground forces on 6 April. February 14,2021. A single company replaced an entire battalion. Pour approvisionner la base, des C-130 Hercules sont mis en œuvre avec 20 tonnes de capacité de fret, ainsi que des C-123 Provider avec 7 tonnes de capacité, et des C-7 Caribou avec 3 tonnes de capacité. Cela cesse le 26 février lorsque le 66e bataillon nord-vietnamien attaque la ligne de défense ouest de la base, tenue par le 37e bataillon de rangers-forestiers sud-vietnamiens. Inconnu. Once the aircraft touched down, it became the target of any number of PAVN artillery or mortar crews. 10 choses sur le créateur de 'Big Nate' Lincoln Peirce. During this time, KSCB and the hilltop outposts around it were subjected to constant PAVN artillery, mortar, and rocket attacks, and several infantry assaults. Dès septembre 1962, une piste d'aviation longue de 400 mètres fut construite. [134] Opposition from the North Vietnamese was light and the primary problem that hampered the advance was continual heavy morning cloud cover that slowed the pace of helicopter operations. Vérifiez les traductions 'Bataille de Khe Sanh' en vietnamien. La table en vue générale, sur la terrasse. "[156] That has led other observers to conclude that the siege served a wider PAVN strategy by diverting 30,000 US troops away from the cities that were the main targets of the Tet Offensive. Elle commença le 21 janvier, et dura 77 jours. Construction on the line was ultimately abandoned and resources were later diverted towards implementing a more mobile strategy. 1 bataillon de rangers, [125] They also reported 1,436 wounded before mid-March, of which 484 men returned to their units, while 396 were sent up the Ho Chi Minh Trail to hospitals in the north. La bataille de Dien Bien Phu avait démontré l'impossibilité pour des assiégés de se défendre de manière autonome, et les Américains font tout pour éviter qu'une telle chose se produise. La base disposait également d'un deuxième dépôt de munitions plus au sud. Additionally, Shore argued that the "weather was another critical factor because the poor visibility and low overcasts attendant to the monsoon season made such operations hazardous. "[152], According to military historian Ronald Spector, to reasonably record the fighting at Khe Sanh as an American victory is impossible. L’aéroport de Ta Con était de 1966 à 1968 une base militaire stratégique de l’armée américaine. Quand les premières fusées éclairantes illuminent le ciel, les défenseurs prennent conscience de la situation et ouvrent le feu sur les assaillants. Les défenseurs disposaient de 18 obusiers M101 de 105 mm avec 12 km de portée, 6 obusiers M114 de 155 mm avec 14,5 km de portée ainsi que de six mortiers M30 de 107 mm avec 4 020 m de portée. Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs. Le 23 mai, il reçoit une citation présidentielle de la part du président Johnson. Durant les 77 jours de la bataille, plus de 8 000 tonnes de matériel d'approvisionnement sont larguées au cours de plus de 600 parachutages. [20][Note 2], James Marino wrote that in 1964, General William Westmoreland, the US commander in Vietnam, had determined, "Khe Sanh could serve as a patrol base blocking enemy infiltration from Laos; a base for... operations to harass the enemy in Laos; an airstrip for reconnaissance to survey the Ho Chi Minh Trail; a western anchor for the defenses south of the DMZ; and an eventual jumping-off point for ground operations to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail. [157], Whether the PAVN actually planned to capture Khe Sanh or the battle was an attempt to replicate the Việt Minh triumph against the French at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu has long been a point of contention. On 22 March, over 1,000 North Vietnamese rounds fell on the base, and once again, the ammunition dump was detonated. This is also the position taken in the official PAVN history but offers no further explanation of the strategy. [143] Useful equipment was withdrawn or destroyed, and personnel were evacuated. [34] He was vociferously opposed by General Lewis W. Walt, the Marine commander of I Corps, who argued heatedly that the real target of the American effort should be the pacification and protection of the population, not chasing the PAVN/VC in the hinterlands. Vidéos 4K et HD utilisables immédiatement dans n’importe quel NLE. Pour faire face aux bombardements, les marines consolident leurs cantonnements et leurs abris, qui peuvent résister à des obus de mortiers et d'artillerie légère, et construisent un réseau de tranchées et de fossés dans toute la base. Il y a parfois plusieurs douzaines de missions par jour, et pendant les 77 jours du siège, environ 50 000 tonnes de bombes et 10 000 tonnes de napalm sont lancés sur la région autour de la base. The official North Vietnamese history claimed that 400 South Vietnamese troops had been killed and 253 captured. "[103] At the end of January, Tompkins had ordered that no Marine patrols proceed more than 500 meters from the Combat Base. In the end, there were 703 killed, 2,642 wounded, and 7 missing. Histoire et aperçu de la révolution verte. [28] Mortar rounds, artillery shells, and 122 mm rockets fell randomly but incessantly upon the base. [30], On 27 October, a PAVN regiment attacked an Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) battalion at Song Be, capital of Phước Long Province. Example sentences with "Battle of Khe Sanh", translation memory. [60] Hills 881 South, 861, and the main base itself would be simultaneously attacked that same evening. Two further attacks later in the morning were halted before the PAVN finally withdrew. The 324th Division was located in the DMZ area 10–15 miles (16–24 km) north of Khe Sanh while the 320th Division was within easy reinforcing distance to the northeast. La bataille de Lang Vei est une bataille livrée le 7 février 1968, pendant la guerre du Viêt Nam, lors de l'offensive du Têt. Khe Sanh, Bataille de (1968) L'année : 1968: Notices thématiques en relation (2 ressources dans Termes plus larges (2) Guerre du Vietnam (1961-1975) -- Opérations militaires. From the Huế site the communication signal was sent to Danang headquarters where it could be sent anywhere in the world. By late January 1967, the 1/3 returned to Japan and was relieved by Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (1/9 Marines). Il existait 4 positions de défense construites en X, à l'intérieur desquelles se trouvait un centre de commandement en béton armé. "[94], Ladd and the commander of the SOG compound (whose men and camp had been incorporated into the defenses of KSCB) proposed that, if the Marines would provide the helicopters, the SOG reconnaissance men would go in themselves to pick up any survivors. Amid heavy shelling, the Marines attempted to salvage what they could before destroying what remained as they were evacuated. Books Hello, Sign in. The fact that the North Vietnamese committed only about half of their available forces to the offensive (60–70,000), most of whom were Viet Cong, is cited in favor of Westmoreland's argument. Dès lors, il n'y a plus d'unités mobiles disponibles dans le secteur, la base n'étant pas nécessaire pour attaquer la piste Ho Chi Minh. By the end of May, Marine forces were again drawn down from two battalions to one, the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines. Une autre possibilité de ravitaillement était le Low Altitude Parachute Extraction. La base de combat, elle-même, s'étendait sur environ 1,8 km le long du fleuve Rao Quan et d'un plateau. Les duels d'artillerie entre les canons de la base et ceux des Nord-vietnamiens sont longs et fréquents. Bataille de Khe Sanh. The report continues to state, "this prompted Air Force chief of staff, General John McConnell, to press, although unsuccessfully, for JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff) authority to request Pacific Command to prepare a plan for using low-yield nuclear weapons to prevent a catastrophic loss of the U.S. Marine base. Westmoreland had been forwarding operational plans for an invasion of Laos since 1966. That was accomplished, but the casualties absorbed by the North Vietnamese seemed to negate any direct gains they might have obtained. Les services de renseignements avaient prévu une bataille, mais pas une offensive généralisée. Une attaque du 26e peloton de Marines, le 20 janvier 1968, la veille du début du siège, parvint presque à repousser l'ennemi de la colline 881 au nord. He made his final appearance in the story of Khe Sanh on 23 May, when his regimental sergeant major and he stood before President Johnson and were presented with a Presidential Unit Citation on behalf of the 26th Marines. 2 bataillon de marines, As a result, 65% of all supplies were delivered by paradrops delivered by C-130 aircraft, mostly by the USAF, whose crews had significantly more experience in airdrop tactics than Marine air crews. [74] When weather conditions precluded FAC-directed strikes, the bombers were directed to their targets by either a Marine AN/TPQ-10 radar installation at KSCB or by Air Force Combat Skyspot MSQ-77 stations. Avec la prise du camp de Lang Vei, les Vietnamiens ont la possibilité d'acheminer du matériel par la route 9 pour la poursuite de la bataille. "[21] In November 1964, the Special Forces moved their camp to the Xom Cham Plateau, the future site of Khe Sanh Combat Base.