health blog topics

Include some of your favourite lifestyle items that you can recommend as gift ideas. It doesn’t matter what niche you belong to, these ideas work best for all bloggers. , The strategy behind them is to bridge your blog post content (which is for the world to see) with helping your ideal clients take the first step toward working with you. 5 – Call in your ideal clients. Share link love. 4 – Create a resources post by linking to your best posts like this one on health blogging. You explained it in a very simple way which is easy to understand. Its “Health IT” section offers insightful pieces on everything from artificial intelligence in medicine to the industry’s adaptation to EHRs. (HINT: That’s what this whole post is!). Save time and build your authority with consistent trustworthy health content! What are they? Here’s a post I wrote on two different ways to do keyword research (I’ve never seen anybody compare these two different methods before):, Your email address will not be published. PREMIUM done-for-you health article, plus content marketing kit. Provide links, attribute sources and add your own commentary. Here’s one on how to strategize content for your blog, email, and social media. Don’t forget to link to their site and tag them in your social media shares of your blog post (if applicable). Thanks a lot. Your audience and subscribers rely on your regular display of expertise (aka blog). Your email address will not be published. Before optimizing any blog post for SEO, keyword research is key. And why your audience should (or shouldn’t) try it too. Maybe your readers are interested in behind the scenes of your industry? Bonus points if you share a short story or example of how the tips can benefit them. Health n wellness 2020-05-08 at 11:22 am. I’m passionate about science and credibility because the effect of misinformation can be deadly. The Health Care Blog is the leading online forum covering the business of healthcare and the new ideas that are changing the health care industry. 5 – 10 facts about you. Send it out late? Please try again. For example, probiotics vs prebiotics, kombucha vs kefir, weight-bearing vs non-weight bearing, etc. 6 – Share a recent story about your lifestyle. Signing off and toasting: To NEVER running out of amazing health and wellness topics to blog about! Make sure at least one is quirky & shows off your personality. Once recorded, upload to YouTube or another platform and embed them into your blog. 6 – Do you have a free resource on your website? Use these lifestyle blog topics to fill in the gaps when you have to. Some health and wellness topics can be: how to swap a recipe ingredient, bust cravings, reduce sugar, relieve stress, or motivate yourself to exercise. 5 – You’re a health and wellness practitioner who has gone to school and/or taken some upgrade courses. Harvard Health Blog. Why not talk about some of the things you loved about it and learned from it? If so, you’re not alone. Diet of Life is a trusted online resource of information on nutrition, health, weight loss, raw food, and diet. While searching the Web I came across your site and I loved it!. every day. A man with a passion for learning, Dr. John M also introduces his readers to the doctoring life. 2 – Review a product you’ve used (e.g., a supplement, app, workout gear, cosmetic, etc.). Also, make sure you download a copy to your personal drive in case YT or FB goes wonky! Do multivitamins have any benefits beyond “expensive pee”? Don’t know what to blog about? How can your followers do something better or more efficiently? For slideshows like in the courses I create, I use Zoom to record a screen share with a small thumbnail of my face in the corner. These all health blogs are very useful for me. Blogs written by healthcare professionals help to educate patients on illnesses, managing their sickness or, other valuable health information. Creating a course? You want to be sure that you’re choosing a word that 1) people are searching for, and 2) isn’t going to be too difficult to start ranking for. Are you planning on going to one? Want all of these health and wellness topics, plus more? PRO TIP: If you want to do a bit of research before writing this, here are a bunch of reliable resources you can use. 1 – Who do you admire (historical, alive, or fictional)? The following blogs feature content on a variety of mental health topics which include everything from depression blogs to OCD blogs to PTSD blogs and other mental health blogs. Here’s an example of some the nerdy “behind the scenes” of nutrition science. Check out how to strategically prioritize which topics to post about first! Great tips about health blog. 9. L-O-V-E this post so much. Yikes! ‍♀️. What can your audience give you ideas for or vote on? Bonus points for including a short intro for each one. Bonus points if you want to add an affiliate or Amazon link to it in the post (just make sure it’s clear that you’re an affiliate, and you love and highly recommend the product, per FTC guidelines). . 10 – Do a “behind the scenes” post. Honestly, going off track is very easy, but getting back on requires a tremendous amount of mental strength. What benefits can they get? 2 – What are you eating or drinking right now? Loving them or hating them? Unsubscribe at any time. Jenn’s blog is about fitness and health, food, fashion, and family. There you have it – all the best fitness blogs that I follow and like reading. building a profitable one-person business. 121 Lifestyle Blog Posts Ideas To Write About In 2021. Free supplement resource from you to your clients (8 expert tips). Language Learning Niche. What about your bookshelf or beauty cabinet instead. Even if it’s not every week or not the same length & format every week. Getty ImagesSo many health blogs, so little time. NOTE: I cap the sale of each one to a maximum of 73, so every single practitioner with a blog will NOT have these articles! ), written and edited. See these premium done-for-you health articles from the Credible Health Blog Shop. Show how that aligns with your practice and why you do or don’t recommend it for your audience. Strategically planned high-quality niche-specific topics are what I do and recommend, but there are times we simply can’t. She loves helping credible health & wellness professionals strategically use research-based blogging to build their businesses. #22 Compile Lists. Here’s an example of how to create your content marketing goals. Too much to choose from? Just like most blogs in the blogging world, fitness blogs are all varied and … {Free Swipe File} 100's of Blog Post Ideas, The importance of a consistent sleep schedule, Share pictures from your morning/evening walk, Why you need a proper fitting bra and where to find one, Why you should warm up before you exercise with a video, The importance of cooling down after you exercise, How to use household items as exercise equipment, Fitness tips for women in their 30s/40s/50s, Fitness tips for men in their 30s/40s/50s, List ways to stay healthy when you work at a desk. The following list of blog post ideas is not just limited only to trendy lifestyle bloggers. 2 – Share links to the best articles you’ve come across this week. Numbered style lists posts are always popular and highly shareable. 102. Check out this inspiring blog here. Click here to see all of the "done for you" health articles you can choose from. 5 – Have you recently been to an event? Thanks for sharing. Let me do the research and writing for you so you can spend your time working with your clients. Here are 60+ health and wellness topics (when you only have 60 minutes), How to research health topics efficiently, Priority #3 – Promotions in the near future, Priority #5 – What inspires you right now, Of course, I have the same lame recommendation to. Here are some curated content examples. We won't send you spam. (I love Skor blizzards) #Oops #DidISayThatOutLoud, 9 – FRUSTRATION – What is driving you crazy now? 1 – Ask a question and have your audience guess the answer.Then, next week, reveal the answer and give a prize to the winner(s) (or everyone who guessed). So inspiring it helped me write my first blog post on better ways to sleep. 2 – People love tips! Be OK to lose some subscribers and followers. 1 – What’s your “why?” Why do you get up every morning to help people? Update: This article was originally 101 blog topics, but since I got a lot of great feedback from the first 101 things to blog about, I decided to add another 33 blog post ideas to the list. People want solutions to a problem, they also want hope. Dr. John M is a medical blog owned and managed by John Mandrola, MD, who loves sharing his knowledge about a wide range of medical topics, such as cardiology, electrophysiology, endurance sports, and anything about health. Download this free supplement resource “Before you buy another supplement – read this!” It contains 8 expert supplement tips, with a focus on Canadian law. Safety Health magazine, published by the National Safety Council, reaches 86,000 safety professionals, providing comprehensive national coverage of occupational safety news and analysis of industry trends. People want a personal touch. 🙂Â, Love this list of health/wellness posts!!! A blog with a mission to provide busy healthcare professionals with “a bird’s-eye view of the healthcare industry in 60 seconds,” Healthcare Dive covers a wide range of topics. If things are flowing, don’t break the flow once you’ve met your quota. Here are some recommended charities. 5 – What do you do when you’re bored? Why or why not? Edit and brand it as you like. 6 – Have a few things you *need* to be premium quality and others where a discount version is OK? Curate content in your niche If you are looking for motivation, information or simply a supportive online community, the following mental health blogs are an excellent place to start. 3 – Have a wishlist? Throw something together quickly? Instantly download them all here: 1 – Create a quick blog post, video, or audio answering one question from your audience. Thank you! Should you get a yearly physical/eye exam? For example, share your exercise, sleep, or meal prep routines. Nice list of Health blogs. 10 – Do you support a charity or other cause? Bonus points if you want to add an affiliate or Amazon link to it in the post (see point above). Talk about it, why you support it and ask if your audience may want to help too. Here’s the secret: Don’t publish more than usual. Most of the time, people searching for mental health blog topics are looking for answers on how to manage or overcome their mental illness. Required fields are marked *. So, go ahead and put this list of Health and Wellness blog post ideas to work for you today – you’ll be glad you did! 1 – Have you guest posted or been interviewed lately? Why should your audience check it out? Here’s an example of how to create your content marketing goals, quality content is now so much more important than consistent OKish content, the effect of misinformation can be deadly, how important it is to do your research before making health recommendations, Here are examples of posts that attract ideal clients. All these topics are hot favourite of people these days. Are we really 10x more microbe than human? 4 – Giving a talk or presentation? Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us! Will be great if you could add my website to your list and Hope It’s helpful for the Guest Bloggers. You are very welcome! Plus, I included my strategy on how to prevent this from becoming an every-week kind of thing. Here are 60+ health and wellness topics to blog about (when you only have 60 minutes). Share your results in this week’s post. 2 – Write a quick post to introduce a survey.Ask your audience their biggest challenge when it comes to their health, wellness, or lifestyle. You don’t need to start a brand new post from scratch. articles in the Credible Health Blog shop here,,,,, Struggling to blog? There was an error submitting your subscription. Don’t have a plan? #21 Provide A Weekly Round-Up Of Healthcare News . PRO TIPS ON VIDEOS: Video seems to be really hot now—especially live videos. Put something decent out there now, and use the steps below to make sure you don’t get into this situation often (or ever again). Your email address will not be published. Maybe, pick a few blogging ideas and start writing about it. Congratulations on your first blog post, Sharon! 8 – Have a routine? What goals have you accomplished and what’s next? If you have a brand new health blog or you’re just looking for some fresh ideas, read on for a list of 100 reader-focused blog post ideas to write one (or even two) new blog posts for an entire year! Required fields are marked *, How to Ѕtау Неаlthу Тhіs Summеr, How to Еnјоу thе Ѕun аnd Оutdооrs Ѕаfеlу, How to stay healthy and fit as you get older, How to know when you need to gain weight for your health, How to keep your skin beautiful year round, How to have a better attitude toward fitness, The Benefits of Strength Training for Older Women, What are HIIT Workouts and Why You Should Do Them, How to keep your hair healthy in the summer/winter. Here’s a post where I talked about how important it is to do your research before making health recommendations to clients. I am finding some guest Bloggers as well. Thanks for sharing blog ideas. Plenty of people just like you struggle to come up with new blog post ideas. Make sure to include backlinks in the post for the people you’ve highlighted. Health Niche. I totally did that with the video in this post when I started getting a ton of people sending crappy BS cold emails asking for feedback and backlinks. A blog on health niche is a good to have as blog writing topic. The food section focuses on healthy, … 7 – Have a prediction about the health and wellness industry? Also, tag them in your social media shares of your post. We’ve put together a list of 74 blog ideas ranging from nutrition advice to how to set health goals, to help inspire your next health coaching blog post. Love the tips, definitely helpful for a beginner! This is an evergreen niche on the internet.Everyone is health conscious these days and want to take good care of their health. Instagram Handle: Comeback Momma. I really appreciate it. It’d be great if you could do a list of ideas for personal growth bloggers 😀. We've ranked these algorithmically, and update our list every 24 hours. I need health and wellness blog topics now! Here are over 60 health and wellness topics you can create in an hour. Then tag the person so they feel your love. Leesa Klich is a Health Writer, Blogging Expert, and Research Nerd. Also, I am running a Health Niche website blog and accepting Free Guest posts. Health Blog Post Ideas Swipe File. Go with the flow. How can you help your readers set and/or reach theirs? Fantastic ideas, Leesa. Share it and why you think it’s totally wrong. 1 – Post your latest recipe, favourite food, or move/stretch, along with a video or some pictures. Below you’ll find a swipe file that includes 100 blog post ideas plus hundreds more in a downloadable and printable file that you can keep handy for reference or check off as you write new posts. You’re drawing a blank on what health and wellness topics to tackle. Something you know off the top of your head and isn’t making very specific health recommendations will be the quickest bets because you won’t have to do too much research. They didn’t use all of these blog ideas, but many of them did get used. Featured Health Article Bundle Click here for preview. 7 – Write up or record a quick “how-to” demo or tutorial. Eating Disorders Awareness Week? You don’t need pro equipment. Public Health Matters – This is the CDC’s official public health news blog and provides a number of articles from around the world. 1 – First, take a deep breath. The articles published in this blog touch on the most recent food trends to the most obscure topics, which are both informative and offer a new insight on what food can do to the body. Flu News Blog – Provides a look at flu related news from all over the globe; School Health Alert Blog – While it provides a great place to monitor flu and swine flu reports, there are also plenty of other articles posted regularly on this page. Which of these is your favourite? List ideas for lifestyle blog topics include: grocery essentials, what to pack when travelling, places you want to go this season, etc. Great list of health. Ask them to email you with the answer and promise to read them all. There are blogs which tell you about the traditional wisdom and modern research on health and some let you track the food intake and exercise. What should your audience do to make it their healthiest? Feel free to add in some of your recommended affiliate products, too. Here are examples of posts that attract ideal clients. Crowdsourcing your lifestyle blog topics . I hope it is useful for your health and wellness site. Lifestyle blog topics that are useful for your audience, Lifestyle blog topics that are educational, Blog topics that profile your lifestyle business, “Pre-written” health and wellness articles, "Before you buy another supplement read this!”. Instantly Download 60+ Health & Wellness Blog Topics. 3 – Share photos or do a quick video of your fridge, pantry, or grocery shopping cart. Love your content! Or in different formats. Success! Are you looking to learn a new language? Now you’re stuck. How do they help you? For me, that’s spreading evidence-based health information to improve public health. If you ever feel lost or stuck, The Mighty’s feature of 35 wholesome memes is a great way to perk up your day. These articles are trust-building because they're expertly researched (I read the studies! Include that too. 4 – Have a few things you can’t live without? You can (should) respond too! PRO TIP: You can “batch create” these by writing/recording two, three, or all seven in one day and then send them out as scheduled. Feature one item and show why you love it and the benefits of it. Then, next week, reveal the answer and give a prize to the winner(s) (or everyone who guessed). That’s why I’m giving you this list of blog post ideas to make it easier for you to consistently get new blog posts written that will help your readers. Blog Topic Ideas For Beginners 1. Have a referral link? 2 – What special significance does your niche/specialty have in your heart? Mix things up by recording a podcast or video relevant to your blog’s theme and topic. wow, your list has made my day, am a health blogger, getting new blog post ideas to use is a tough one. Originally published July 2017; updated with even more awesomeness May 2018 and April 2020. Hi, Kristen! Why or Why not? Wow, this is just an awesome list of blog topic ideas. The Mighty is a health blog that covers over 600 topics related to health, including mental health. "The Ultimate Health Blogging Checklist" Free Resource, Discover the best kept secrets every wellness pro, Struggling to blog? Should you skip this week? Here’s an example of a holiday gift guide. The importance of protein and fiber in your diet, The benefits of working out with a partner, What to do when your weight loss has plateaued, Unconventional Sports that Keep You in Shape, Things you may not know about women’s health. Use your health blog to grow your audience, subscribers, and sales. Featured products for your credible health blog: Health writer – Blogging expert – Research nerd. 8 – What are some of your guilty pleasures? Be controversial and bold enough to resonate strongly with only your ideal clients (and allow your post to turn away everyone else). Don’t want to be in a pinch for lifestyle blog content anymore? You can shoot videos with your laptop camera or cell phone. Here’s my hero, Dr. Semmelweiss, and how he was an evidence-based badass thought leader in his time. Start by choosing one of these health and wellness topics and get your timer. 6 – Is it that time of year to set or review goals? 3 – Write or record a quick story about one thing that inspired you to become a health, wellness, or lifestyle expert. 1 – Ask a question and have your audience guess the answer. Top 10 Content Ideas for Your Healthcare Blog Blogs vary in content and style, but most combine text, images, catchy blog titles, and links to other resources. Any ideas for great free downloads to capture emails? Thank you so much for sharing this amazing list. They want to stand out in the crowded, often unqualified, market of entrepreneurs. Hot/Iced Tea Month? The mental health section is home to thousands of features from featured writers, covering everything from boundaries to loneliness. Use professional-quality engaging articles that reflect your excellence and attract more ideal clients and patients. . Buy a post you can instantly upload? Don’t stress over getting a minimum length. Leave a hint for your audience and tell them to keep their eyes out for more. Itasca, Illinois, United States About Blog The latest occupational safety and health news. HINT: Don’t skip. Your email address will not be published. the right way to ask guests to post here. Share them with your whole audience, too. Awesome post. 3 – Who are your go-to health, wellness, and lifestyle resources? 8 – Share why you love doing what you do. Favorite Places to Hike/Run with Pictures. Want all of these health and wellness topics, plus a few more? Thank you for sharing!! The blog provides tips for wellness, workout strategies, recipes for health, and so much more. Sometimes the trickiest part is coming up with a catchy and interesting topics. Share one. Or maybe you’re overthinking them. If you’re inspired to keep creating, don’t stop at one. Share your learnings as I did about building a profitable one-person business. 9 – Won an award? Harvard Health Blog publishes medical news, viewpoints, and articles across a wide variety of topics including exercise and fitness, pain management, healthy eating, mental health, mind body medicine, relationships, heart health, and children’s, men’s, and women’s health. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. What qualities and accomplishments do they have that inspire you? It’s better to have a mix of blog post formats (long/short, written/video/audio, researched/opinions) rather than a “non-schedule” of erratic and unpredictable posting. Ilana, yes, I have some ideas what to use as free downloads to capture emails – thanks for asking! With a huge amount of information available online, we wanted to really showcase the top health blogs in 2021. I will be bookmarking this blog post for future reference when I’m feeling uninspired. Share the truth about them so they can decide for themselves. And here’s how to customize them fast. Share some thoughts about that experience and link to it so your readers can check it out like when I was interviewed by Jess about finding credible sources of health information. 7 – # things you’ve learned since #. What makes you a better practitioner now? (Please stop already!) Thank you for taking the time to put together so much great information. Even announce what your inspiration has lead to (or is leading you to) do. How to prepare food, stretch, or meditate your way. Being a blogger, I get it that how tough it is to keep coming with new blog ideas. Here’s how I did this on the novel coronavirus, Health- and Food-Awareness Dates Calendar. As you can see, there are so many problems to help your reader solve (and thus so many blog posts you can write!) List at least one or two features (what’s in it) and benefits (how it helps). Then be sure to put the link so they can grab a copy for themselves. This led nicely into the course on how to do health research online. Keep posting such kind of stuff this will help a lot to those newbies like me. 5 – What are the best health and wellness spots in your city? (I personally love seeing these posts). Write up a small post about it, what it includes (features), and how it helps (benefits). I can’t tell you how many ideas I jotted down just reading through this one post. Posts vary from general health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, disease prevention and ageing topics along with scattered personal post here a there by ‘Crabby.’ There are also guest posts from various contributors that add to the variety of the blog. Use content you already have and re-purpose it. For example, what did you do over the weekend? Do high-protein diets leach calcium from your bones? To work with me, click here. Put one of your products on for a “flash sale” and announce it with your blog post. Some fitness or wellness blogs focus on working out, while others tend to offer assistance on a more holistic and wellness level. Ask, then answer. Thanks for your question. Review the book you’re reading, podcast you’re listening to, or a documentary you saw (here’s an example of my review of Vitamania). 4 – Already crowdsourced? Here’s how I did this on the novel coronavirus.