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Clinical manifestations of some demodicoses: The succession of Figures A, B, and C illustrates the progressive appearance of the immune, reaction, and the overlapping among the different clinical manifestations, following our, discreet when she was pregnant. Hyperpigmentation. Erythemato telangiectasic rosacea, diagnosed on the basis of the recent consensus: Papulopustular rosacea (PPR), diagnosed on the basis of the recent consensus (Fig 2B and. Czy jesteśmy bezpieczni w naszych mieszkaniach? In 118 cases of Listeria infection associated with neoplastic malignancy, there was a male-to-female-preponderance of about 2:1. accumulated data from annual reports from 1992 to 1999, whereas we do a prospective study. Neither ocular nor systemic side effects occurred. The new outpatient clinic Madeleine Lejour opens its doors on Monday 25 September 2017. 52.de Jaureguiberry JP, Carsuzaa F, pierre C, Arnoux D, Jaubert D. Folliculite à Demodex: une cause de prurit au cours de. The common bacteria of. - : not specified in the original paper. The mean time of symptoms, when the diagnostic was made, was 3.2 months (range 1-6 months). As a matter of fact, the highest concentration of Demodex is found in the cutaneous areas with more numerous sebaceous glands and more abundant sebum production (naso-labial folds, nose, forehead and perioral region). Welcome ! Ann Med Interne Paris 1993; 144(1): 63-4. Combination of lid scrubs and 2% Metronidazole gel relieved symptoms and halved number of mites after 1 month, lashes grew again after 2 months. The term pityriasis refers to several dermatologic conditions which all feature scaling of the skin. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. 68.Akilov OE, Svetlana V, Kazanceva V, Vlasova IA. Fridman WH. disorders is still unknown. Le Centenaire Brussels Expo places you within a 10-minute stroll of popular attractions such as Atomium and Mini-Europe. Therefore, a workshop was organized to remind clearly the various clinical manifestations of, demodicosis and to train the dermatologists to perform and read the standardized skin surface. Specific ocular infections often required etiological diagnosis of combined consultant ophthalmolo-gy and microbiology. (42%) is lower than in our study (50%). This study is designed to investigate: - the interest of a new monoclonal antibody (GA101)versus rituximab - the interest of PET to identify early responders Patients will receive either rituximab (standard treatment), either GA101 (study treatment), according to the randomization arm. am J ophtalmol 1929; 12: 373-5. 17:100 000 a year in the general Russian population. In: Encycl Méd chir (Editions scientifiques et. 34.Smith S, Mc Culloch C. Demodex folliculorum palpebrarum. texture (sandpaper-like consistency on palpation). operated in the last years in our clinics are analysed in relation to sex, age, time of symptoms, procedures and adjuvant treatment. The results obtained revealed the presence of D.F. Immunologie. 84.Gessert CE, Bamford JT. We conducted a prospective epidemiologic study among 10 dermatologists. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002; 46(4): 584-7. Wiedza dotycząca wykorzystania metody biologicznej w magazynach nie jest wystarczająca. The positive animals were from 2 investigative groups, and were of 8 different strains, some immunocompetent and some immunodeficient. Ophthalmology 1997; 104: We thank the pharmaceutical company JANSSEN-CILAG for its logistic support during the, B. evidence of delayed hypersensitivity reaction in subjects with papulopustular rosacea. because the thin dry scales are recovered by a layer of sebum. Hautarzt 1999; 50: 491-4. 81.Sobye P. Aetiology and pathogenesis of rosacea. The error-bars indicate the 95% confidence limits. Diagnose: chronische Demodex Blepharokonjunktivitis. As we can see on the wonderful scanning electron microscopy views of Crosti, protruding at the follicular orifice (Fig 4), giving often a false sensation of dry skin. Cette page vous aidera à vous garer facilement à proximité de votre destination - CHU Brugmann Site Victor Horta.Elle vous informe des emplacements de parking gratuits, à disque ou payants ainsi que les tarifs et horaires respectifs. Cosmetology. comprises also varicose problems ( ulcer, dermatitis, etc). socioeconomic related factors favoring proliferation of the mite (skin washing without soap). Except for a detailed study by Stcherbatchoff in 1903, only casual reference has been made to its presence in the eyelid structures of man. 55.Sarro RA, Hong JJ,Elgart ML. In fact, in case, of discreet lesions, the diagnosis of the telangiectasia depends essentially on the subjectivity. Demodex, another member of the skin microbiota, has been demonstrated a higher density on the cheeks of PPR patients than ETR patients and healthy controls [28][29], Malignancies and immunosuppression are among the factors that predispose to infection with Listeria. observations coincide with an hypersensitivity reaction: the immune reaction of the host is more. This new space of 10,000 m2 brings together all ambulatory activities of the Brugmann University Hospital (CHU) on the Horta site in Laeken. Paris, tous droits réservés), Dermatologie, 98-944-A-10, 2001, 11p. About. Int J, 51.Girault C, Borsa-Lebas F, Lecomte F, Humbert G. Eruption papulo-nodulaire. 49.Dominey A, Rosen T, Tschen J. Papulonodular demodicidosis associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Experimental Dermatology 2003; 28: 75.Akilov OE, Smirnova NS. These interactions among VEGF, Demodex, and immunity need to be explored further and the nosology of rosacea adapted accordingly. The most frequent symptoms were follicular scales (71%) and telangiectasia (63%). Za wykorzystaniem naturalnych wrogów przemawiają głównie takie aspekty jak: produkty spożywcze wolne od pestycydów, możliwość dostosowania warunków panujących w magazynie do wymagań wprowadzonych organizmów oraz znacznie wolniej rozwijająca się odporność szkodników na ich wrogów naturalnych niż na insektycydy. 87.English FP, Nutting WB. 47. Mogą one również występować w bliskim otoczeniu człowieka, co często wiąże się ze stresem, reakcjami alergicznymi, dyskomfortem u ludzi w swoich własnych domach. our study). Acuity: R/L 20/20. From our daily experience, Dd in normal skin does not increase after ether cleaning: when. Join to Connect CHU Brugmann. In the first grid, for each patient, he notes the. Int J Dermatol 2003; 42: 444-8. médicales Elsevier, SAS, Paris, tous droits réservés), Dermatologie, 98-866-A-10, 2002, 6p. Photoprotection (interne et externe). Kontroverse Hypothesen zur Ätiologie der Blepharitis werden diskutiert. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1950; 30: 137-58. The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose. Esneux â Liège (BE) Project description A centre of excellence in physical medical revalidation (polyclinic + 40 bedrooms). Compare 7 companies in location Kortenberg J.L. Triggers of rosacea (ultraviolet light, heat, spicy foods, alcohol, stress, microbes) are currently considered to induce a cascading innate and then adaptive immune response that gets out of control. They are on an average 42 years old (ext: 30-50), 8 women, 2, men. 183. Episerie n°19: Diabète: état des connaissances en, : very discreet, more visible after passage with ether, each follicular scale, : erythema, dilated orifices on the chin, hillocky skin, some papules and non, : unpublished data: computed from published data. 39.Sahn E, Sheridan D. Demodicidosis in a child with leukemia. Most authors believe that the altered immune system, which is characteristic of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, favors the growth of this usually saprophyte agent so that the latter eventually causes a skin disorder. Allgemeinanamnese unauffällig, Quecksilberallergie. For ⦠Chances of success with insemination Chances of success after IVF/ICSI Limits to ART treatment Epidemiological service, Scientific Institute of Public Health. previous study in 1993, we found 18/33 PPR (55%) with Dd>5. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Humans are born without Demodex mites on the skin [43,54], and the mites are progressively acquired by direct contact with the skin of other humans [44,55]. This article was published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology: FORTON F, GERMAUX MA, BRASSEUR T et coll. (1) If the diagnosis of demodicosis is confirmed, the dermatologist completes a questionnaire, known immunosuppression (treatment, HIV), suggested immunosuppression (frequent. These profiles give evidence of the needing to follow-up the, demodicoses, and therefore, of its socioeconomic importance. About. Their subjective symptoms are: flushes (46%), dry skin (30%), pruritus (29%), tight feeling (27%), rough texture sensation. Renovation of a building on Rue de la polyclinique that will house the outpatient revalidation polyclinics (physical medicine, pulmonology, cardiology and neurology) and extension of the urology and dentistry consultation department. A total of 650 patients were randomly assigned. the general immune status of the patient is evaluated by questions ( diabetes, pregnancy, are researched based only on the clinical history and clinical examination: four associated, differential diagnosis: outside this study, which kind of diagnoses the dermatologist would, 10 after 2 SSSB), and 9 were not sufficiently investigated (the, some authors demonstrated that immune suppression alone is not sufficient to. The presence of Demodex in the human skin is directly related to the age of the subject. Die Patientin ist rezidivfrei nach 1 Jahr. Globally, 115 patients with demodicosis are collected: 56 new diagnoses, 59, follow up, 80 main diagnoses. On the other hand. Akilov observes a frequency of demodicoses not, diagnoses)). We sought to demonstrate the high frequency of demodicoses and the overlapping with papulopustular rosacea (PPR) . Ayres et al. Z roku na rok wzrasta liczba rozpoznanych przypadków chorób odkleszczowych u zwierząt domowych i u człowieka. One receives corticoid by. known to affect mainly Caucasian patients, that the sun promotes PPR by: (1) dermal damage, which is, among other factors, responsible, for erythemato-telangiectasic rosacea, which itself seems to promote mite proliferation, (2) its. 77.Hellerich U, Metzelder M. Incidence of scalp involvement by Demodex folliculorum Simon ectoparasites in a pathologic-anatomic. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1998; 213: 48-50. females with and without rosacea. Self assessed frequency° before study, Demodicoses (all)°° n =, °° Demodicoses new, ° frequency of diagnosis ( minimum ) : +++ = 1/wee, Table II. In other words, the dermatologist encounters as many demodicoses as atopic, dermatitis and dysplastic naevi (Fig 3). The Demodex blepharitis. The analysis of the clinical features of rosacea showed that patients who prefer deep cleansing were more prone to present an initial symptom of papule and pustule (OR 1.63–3.15). Early response evaluation with positron emission tomography (PET) scan may improve selection of patients who need reduced or more intensive treatments. For ⦠The general status was good in 110 patients; only 3 had known immunodeficiency. European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD). Comparisons between qualitative data are tested by the Chi, when indicated by the lack of validity of the first one due to small expected values. JEADV 2001; 15: 441-4. consultations in other location(s), from where the patients are not collected. higher in pityriasis folliculorum than in PPR. 22560 off MD 3896 Alain Le Roux 0 0 03/27/ 12:57:24 Polyclinique Sévigné, 3 ⦠Moscow. Démodécie au cours du syndrôme. This study demonstrated that complete surgical ressection followed by radiotherapy have shown good results. Their objective symptoms are: follicular scales (71%), telangiectasia (63%), papules (40%), erythema (35%), pustules (25%), dilated follicular orifices (10%), hillocky skin (7%), orange peel. Demodicidosis in an immunodeficient child. Comparing the profile of new diagnoses (Fig 3B) with, this of all diagnoses (Fig 3A), demodicosis decreases in the frequency score (from 9, other chronic dermatosis. All rights reserved. The effectiveness of this approach needs to be confirmed by prospective controlled clinical trials with long-term follow-up. Objawy chorób wywoływanych przez patogeny odkleszczowe, m.in. J Pediatr 1995; 127(5): 751-4. Publications 183. These clinically visible symptoms constitute the first stage of demodicosis-pityriasis folliculorum [8, ... We concluded that the IPL may have killed the mites on the treated zones with release of their antigens and flare-up of the inflammation, or that the mites may still have persisted more deeply in the skin, in sufficient number to induce the inflammation. Unusual manifestation of demodicidosis in a child. density (Dd) is confirmed by Standardized Skin Surface Biopsy. According to the Merriam‐Webster dictionary, the term pityriasis was first used in print in 1684. On the other hand, the latter regressed after treatment with topical crotamitone. Figure 2. Belgian Contact and Environmental Dermatitis Group (BCEDG). Treatment was discontinued after 6 months as Demodex folliculorum proof remained negative. Dd are not exactly comparable if the locations are not the same. which therefore increases the dermatologists sensitivity to the diagnosis of demodicosis. (24%), hyperreactive skin (23%), burning sensation (12%), prickling (1%), hyperseborrhea (1%). demodicoses is observed at one year of interval (p=0.15). Sampling method: the standardized skin surface biopsy, In the present study, the dermatologist initially cleans the slide and the skin of the patient with. Recent histological and biochemical studies support the concept that this inflam-matory response is a continuum, already present from the onset of the disease, even when no clinical signs of inflammation are visible. A majority of the patients admitted that they used soap and water infrequently, substituting instead various kinds of cleansing creams. The ocular manifestations of rosacea. http://www.iph.fgov.be/epidemio/morbidat/fr/zie/ZIEK04r.pdf. Die Epilation von Zilien ermöglicht den Nachweis von Demodex folliculorum, einer Haarbalgmilbe deren ätiologische Beteiligung an Rosazea diskutiert wird. Molecular studies suggest that Demodex may induce tolerogenic dendritic cells and collaborate with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to induce T cell exhaustion and favor its own proliferation. The general status is good in 110 patients; only 3 have known. For plans sections and elevations, please refer to the archives section of the site available from the âreferencesâ menu. A written protocol with photographs was given to all participants. *Polyclinique Oasis ... **Avenue Brugmann 24 â 1180 Brussels - Belgium ... and the mites are progressively acquired by direct contact with the skin of other humans [44,55]. 80.Feldman SR, Hollar CB, Gupta AK, Fleischer AB. 42/57 PPR (74%) with Dd>5 at the first SSSB. Demodex proliferation appears to be a continuum process in rosacea, and may not be clinically visible at the onset of the disease. presenting more than one clinical manifestation of high Dd. Moreover, a great variability in the frequency of, demodicoses is observed beyond the dermatologists during the study (Table II). Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Brugmann, membre du réseau des hôpitaux publics bruxellois IRIS, vous souhaite une agréable visite sur ce site Web.. Avec ses trois sites complémentaires et ses 854 lits, le CHU Brugmann est l'un des plus grands ensembles hospitaliers de Bruxelles. Pigmentation of roots of cilia caused by acarus demodex folliculorum. The mean age is 49 years: women are younger (m=46 years; ext: 20 - 83). Patients were recruited from the following locations: department - Route de Lennik 808 - 1070 Brussels - Belgium. number of different dermatological diagnoses given during the same consultation. High Demodex density (Dd) was confirmed by standardized skin surface biopsy. Arch Dermatol 1987; 123: 1599. 396). They did not cause of any dermatologic problems, but when the mites penetrate the dermis, they caused diseases, such as acne, rosacea, and folliculitis, when the population increases. A report by the European Commission found that Belgium 619 hospital beds per 100,000 residents, a figure thatâs significantly higher than the EU average of 515, despite this decline in numbers. Eur J, 45.Benessahraoui M, Paratte F, Plouvier E, Humbert P, Aubin F. Demodicidosis in a child with xantholeukaemia associated with. Russian Journal Immunology 2001; 6(4): 400-4. http://www.iph.fgov.be/sasweb/his/fr/fig9701.htm#fig1. 65.Patrizi A, Neri I, Chieregato C, Misciali M. Demodicidosis in immunocompetent young children: report of eight cases. TxHO-19-030 P - polyclinique - niveau +1.pdf nl-NL: 540.671 kb 11/08/2020 1: 20 164 PSS CHU Brugmann ORL Dialyse01.pdf fr-FR: 1965.523 kb 11/08/2020 1: 20 164 PSS CHU Brugmann ORL Dialyse01.pdf nl-NL: 1965.523 kb 11/08/2020 1 In several cases of demodicosis occurring in immunodeficient patients, the inflammatory. The posteriorâanterior vertebral vector (VV) has been proposed to characterize the axial plane appearances of the thoracic scoliosis. Direct microscopic examination during the consultation: three follicles with 3 to 5. Acarologia (Paris) 1977; 60.Wilkin J, Dahl M, Detmar M, Drake L, Feinstein A, Odom R, Powell F. Standard classification of rosacea: Report of the National. On the other hand, some authors suspect an unusual hypersensitivity against the mite itself. Administrative Assistant bij Polyclinique Brugmann Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium 9 connections. This is a mean of defense against the. 82.Berg M, Lidén S. An epidemiological study of rosacea. Isolated inflammatory papule in a 41 year-old woman, with 90 D/cm. 83.Marguery MC. Its, prevalence is higher among old patients, but it can occur in young patients (from 20 years old in. Dd is higher when the SSSB is, The majority of patients (n=50/81, 62%) do not use soap to wash their face (p<0.03), 38/83. Bienvenue ! Rosacea-like demodicidosis in an immunocompromised child. Osiris 45 1. newsCHU/UVC Brugmann HUDERF - UKZKF HORTA BRIEN REINE/KONINGIN ASTRID # 45 Décembre 2016 Février 2017 December 2016 Februari 2017 TRIMESTRIEL DRIEMAANDELIJKS Osiris 08 Dossier â Campus Osiris: des hôpitaux écoresponsables 12 Portrait/Zoom â La Direction médicale et le Conseil médical changent de main Portrait PRS GILLET ET DE MEYER La nouvelle ⦠Overall, the high frequency of cleansing (more than once daily) (OR = 1.450) and the large amount of cleansers (> 5 pieces/year) (OR = 1.612) presented a positive correlation with rosacea occurring. Parasite-J Soc Franç Parast. disease separately, we limit the presentation of the results at the 20 most frequent diagnoses, giving therefore an idea of 60 to 75 % of the global activity of the dermatologist (65% of all. The prognosis is poor for cancer patients with Listeria infections. Conclusions. Arch Kriminol 1994; 194(3-4): 111-8. clinically visible: the opisthosomes, brought together around the hair on the follicular orifice, appear as white follicular scales (pityriasis folliculorum). Some other factors could explain a lower, proportion of demodicoses: the consultation plannings with a shorter available time per patient, might possibly decrease the quality of the SSSB for technically little trained dermatologists. Belgium has one of the best healthcare systems in Europe, but the number of hospitals has fallen steadily over the last 20 years. prevalence of thyroid disease is indeed higher among women (6.1%) than among men (1.7%). 35.Post CF, Juhlin E. Demodex folliculorum and blepharitis. 58.Marks R, Dawber RPR. The most common symptoms were hemiparesis (present in 75% of the patients) headache (37.5%) seizures (25%) and ataxia (25%). Listeriosis is a serious threat to cancer patients, especially those with chronic lymphocytic leukemia or acute lymphoblastic leukemia. ether before performing the SSSB, to improve and to standardize the adherence. folliculorum, which is often very discreet, from such control groups. inhalation and nasally. Sehschärfe: R/L 1,0/1,0. Apart from its higher density in rosacea patients, ... Dermatologically, Demodex colonizes the normal human skin everywhere; Demodex population was approximately ≤5/cm 2 of skin in the adult population (Aydingöz et al, 1997). Based on the literature and the clinical experience of one of us, the facial cutaneous changes, suggesting a demodicosis and thereby justifying SSSB, for the 10 dermatologists, were defined. 312-11 Hôpital Brugmann - Polyclinique Vendredi, août 11, 2017 samyn At the lid level, the proliferation of Demodex inside the meibomian, glands could be responsible for the meibomian gland dysfunction observed in rosacea, and. However, no significant relationship was found according to gender nor personal hygiene. Eur J Dermatol 2003; 13: 311-2. In opposition to the literature, the authors regard chemotherapy as a secondary line treatment and recommend its use only in some selected cases. There was no evidence of irritation of either the eyes or eyelids from this medication. Topical metronidazole was responsible for worsening of the clinical features. Setting. Demodicosis is the 12, the main diagnoses; that means that demodicosis is as often the main reason to consult, as, variquous pathology and mollusca contagiosa: this reflects the importance given by the patient, Our results do not confirm the usual opinion according to which the demodicoses frequency, Six among the 115 demodicoses present also an androgenic alopecia: it is possible that some. W naszej pracy zwróciliśmy uwagę na wybrane aspekty szkodliwych oddziaływań kleszczy na żywicieli. Ses atouts ? Alternative oral minocycline 100 mg daily brought no subjective nor objective relief. identified. Duvic M. Staphylococcal infections and pruritus of AIDS-related complex. Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare pathology and is most often seen in immunodeficient patients. diagnoses, 60% of the new ones, 75% of the follow up ones, and 69% of the main ones) (Fig 3). 53.Redondo-Mateo J, Soto-Guzman O, Fernandez-Rubio E, Dominguez-Franjo F. Demodex-attributed rosacea-like lesions in AIDS. In: An Actual Problem in Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery and. 684 likes. Controversial theories on the aetiology of blepharitis are discussed. 88.Tanzi EL, Weinberg JM. l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine. Ponadto podstawowym problemem w wykorzystaniu wrogów naturalnych w walce ze szkodnikami magazynowymi jest wprowadzenie innych organizmów do produktu spożywczego, powodujących jego zanieczyszczenie i obniżenie jakości handlowej. Br J Dermatol 1971; 59.Desch CE, Nutting WB. In dark skin, pigment protects against these two factors. 74.Akilov OE, Mumcuoglu KY. Association between human demodicidosis and HLA class I. The proportion of demodicoses varies greatly in function of the, dermatologist: 0% to 9.2% of their patients (p=0.0000). Weekly mean diagnoses per dermatologist, on the basis of 67 patients seen weekly. 071 92 23 07 Chirec Site de Braine-lâAlleud Waterloo Rue Wayez 35, 1420 Braine-lâAlleud Tel. Three hypotheses could explain the normal Dd in rare cases of PPR (6/48): (1) these cases, may include some false negative results at the SSSB, (2) they may be related to a, proliferation (these last, living deeper in sebaceous and meibomian glands, are not detected by, the SSSB), (3) or the immune reaction may have succeed to eliminate the major part of the, mites but it nevertheless persists a long time, as it can be observed in delayed-type. The City of Brussels has taken several decisions in order to best respect the measures of the federal government in the fight against the coronavirus (Covid-19). Fifty seven patients present PPR: 42 have Dd >5D/cm, 31 without topical treatment) and are included in the 115 demodicoses, 6 have low Dd (Dd. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01909622, DEMODICOSIS AND ROSACEA : EPIDEMIOLOGY AND, SIGNIFICANCE IN DAILY DERMATOLOGICAL PRACTICE, Fabienne FORTON,* MD, Marie-Anne GERMAUX,** MD, Thierry BRASSEUR,*** MD, Anne DE. The pathogenicity of Demodex folliculorum was discussed in a recent paper¹ in which was described a clinical picture consisting of an irritation of the face, usually in women, with dryness, occasionally slight redness, sensations of burning or stinging, and a characteristic dry follicular scale ensheathing the base of the lanugo hairs or plugging the follicular opening. 6,060. Additionally, over 1000 tape tests were performed in mice from 7 different rooms, 5 investigators and 13 racks; 15 positive animals were. Among the temporary skin ecto-parasites, Demodex folliculorum is a worm-like mite that infests hair follicles in various mammals including man. type 1 neurofibromatosis. Demodex folliculorum: its role on the etiology of acne rosacea. General medical history unremarkable, mercury allergy. 02 389 04 48. Hintergrund Blepharokonjunktivitis ist die häufigste Manifestation der okulären Rosazea. The significance level is 0.05, within two-sided alternative hypotheses, excepted when a clear one-sided hypothesis was formulated in the protocol. Summary Therefore, the sensitivity of the test increases from 0.55, Excluding the 9 PPR insufficiently investigated, our study confirms that the PPR with normal Dd, are rare (maximum 6/48) whereas these with high Dd are frequent (42/48). Patients characteristics and follow-up. J Cut Med Surg 1998; 2 S4: 5-10. Actually, outside the context of the study, only 64/115 demodicoses would have been diagnosed: it appears evident that demodicoses are today commonly underdiagnosed, and are masked behind other diagnoses such as PPR, erythemato telangiectasic rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, 63 phyma, seborrhea, etc. Dermatology has a very distinctive lexicon. The 115 patients present 134 demodicoses, some patients presenting more than one clinical. On the other hand, PPR seems to have a lower Dd than the others, the, difference approaching the significant limit: this value is non significant probably due to the, small size of the sample. De Boeck Université Ed, 4° Ed; 1997. p. 329-40. This variability, could be determined by an unequal sensitivity to the diagnosis: the dermatologists who, diagnose most demodicoses are those who were already trained to detect the clinical symptoms, and to read SSSB before the study (Table II).